International Journal of Biomedical Laboratory Science(IJBLS) Vol. 1, No. 2:35-58
July, 2012
Original Articles
► Total Antioxidant Status and other Antioxidant Agent Levels in Children with P.Falciparum Infection in Calabar, Nigeria
Akpotuzor J. O, Udoh A. E, Etukudo M. H
Int. J. Bio. Lab. Sci 2012 1:35-39 【Abstract】 【PDF】
► Frequency of Blood Donation and Iron Stores of Blood Donors in Calabar, Cross River, Nigeria
Okpokam, D.C, Emeribe, A.O, Akpotuzor, J.O
Int. J. Bio. Lab. Sci 2012 1:40-43 【Abstract】 【PDF】
► Evaluation of Absolute Lymphocyte Count as a Surrogate marker for CD4+ cell count for the Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) in Resource-limited Settings
F. I. Buseri, D. Mark, Z. A. Jeremiah
Int. J. Bio. Lab. Sci 2012 1:44-49 【Abstract】 【PDF】
► Fetal RHD and RHCE Genotyping in Plasma of Rh Negative Pregnant Women
Joana Oliveira, Nádia Osório, José Rocha, Benvinda Cruz, João Figueiredo, Armando Caseiro, Ana Valado, António Gabriel, Fernando Mendes
Int. J. Bio. Lab. Sci 2012 1:50-58 【Abstract】 【PDF】
Published 【PDF】