International Journal of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IJBLS) Vol. 11, No. 1: 1-49
April, 2022 【PDF】
► SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Continues to Challenge Health care, Workforce and Families Across the Globe
Patricia Tille
Int. J. Bio. Lab. Sci 2022(11)1:3-5【PDF】
► Can You Teach an Old Dog New Tricks?
Hassan A. Aziz
Int. J. Bio. Lab. Sci 2022(11)1:6-7【PDF】
► Medi3 Healthcare - Managing SARS-CoV-2 in Norway
Ann-Kristin Tveten
Int. J. Bio. Lab. Sci 2022(11)1:8-9【PDF】
Research article
► Evaluation of the Effects of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on the Stability of Diabetes-Related Metabolic Biomarkers in Plasma Samples
Rebekka Gerwig, Frederikke Høgh, Joachim Størling, Katja Kemp Jacobsen
Int. J. Bio. Lab. Sci 2022(11)1:10-17 【Abstract】 【PDF】
► Hemostasis Pathophysiology Associated With Increased Risk of Thrombosis in Acute COVID-19 Infection
Jamie Gillan, Jamie-lee Brundyn, Indu Singh
Int. J. Bio. Lab. Sci 2022(11)1:18-22 【Abstract】 【PDF】
Review article
► Hematologic Abnormalities Associated with Post-Acute COVID-19 Sequelae or “long-COVID”- a Systematic Review
Jamie-lee Brundyn, Jamie Gillan, Indu Singh
Int. J. Bio. Lab. Sci 2022(11)1:23-42 【Abstract】 【PDF】
Research article
► Laboratory Automation and Sensitive Analytes - National Study from Clinical Biochemistry Departments in Denmark
Rebekka Lynge, Christina Isabella Kirkvaag, Ida Hornhaver Eilenberger, Anne Marie Duus Hansen, Julie Smith
Int. J. Bio. Lab. Sci 2022(11)1:43-48 【Abstract】 【PDF】
Published 【PDF】