Great interest in a Swedish nationally regulated specialist education among biomedical laboratory scientists and biomedical laboratory scientist students
Quttineh M, Heldestad V, Wijkmark T, Rehnberg M, Lillsunde Larsson G
Int. J. Bio. Lab. Sci 2021(10)1:28-35 【Abstract】 【PDF】

Biomedical laboratory scientists (BLS) work in many different disciplines but one common denominator for all the fields within the profession is the rapid development in biomedicine and the corresponding increase of advanced technology. A nationally regulated specialist training for BLS is a way for the profession to gain advanced skills and to create career opportunities. From a larger study set, the aims of this sub-study were to investigate BLS student’s and professional’s view on education, choice of workplace, career development, advanced studies and a potential nationally regulated specialist training program. Two surveys were designed using The surveys were sent to BLS student members (n=483) and professional members (n=2083) of The Swedish Institute of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IBL), the professional organization of BLS´s in Sweden. Response rate was 57% (276/483) for the student sub-survey and 44% (n=923/2083) for the professional sub-survey. Students from all semesters (1-6, n=272) were represented, with a majority from semester 2, 4 and 6. Top reasons for choosing the BLS education were; easy to get a job (65%), stimulating work tasks (59%) and a good education for further studies (39%). A majority of the students planned for further advanced academic studies (64%) and 54% percent were interested in a potential nationally regulated specialist training. Among professionals, 21% stated there were explicit career paths at their workplace. The individual interest for a potential nationally regulated specialist training was 53% and most responders (93%) stated a need for such an education in Sweden. Among IBL members, there is great interest in a nationally regulated specialized training among both future and present professionals in Sweden. In relation to a future shortage, we also show that in order to attract students to BLS training, we need to be able to offer advanced training as well.

Key words: Medical Laboratory Personnel, Medical Laboratory Science, Education.

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